In 8th grade, we immerse ourselves in the diverse world of the United States of America: from New York and New Orleans to the West Coast, from urban landmarks and cultural traditions to national parks.
Of course, the history of this nation cannot be overlooked during this process. The students do not "only" deal with the civil rights movement but also transfer to the happenings in their reality: Black Lives Matter.
For several hours, the students of 8c dealt with the painful experiences of people from the mid-19th century until today and the transformations in social development that resulted from the unbroken hope and constant struggle for a better and more just world.
The results can be seen: The posters represent what the class researched, compiled, discussed, and learned independently.
For the English professionals among you: There were still a few little mistakes that have been polished out by now. But nevertheless, we don't want to withhold the originally submitted results. This is what you will be able to do when you join us at the GBG. ?
You can see the posters from: Milena & Henriette, Luna & Cynthia, Etienne & Louis, Carlotta & Sophie and Lara & Cemre.
class & English teacher, 8c, Mrs. Permutti
Per, 7.1.2022
An, 7.1.2022
Inspiriert von Dr. Kings berühmter Rede aus dem Jahr 1963 haben sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 8B im Englischunterricht ans Werk gemacht und ihre Träume, bisweilen rhetorisch sehr
eindrucksvoll, zum Ausdruck gebracht. Hören Sie hier drei Beispiele der kurzen Reden, die Hoffnung machen...
Debattierer der Superlative aus dreizehn Berliner Schulen stritten sich am 29. Januar 2015 bei uns am GBG um den Titel des Berlin Brandenburg Debating Contest. Wir haben an diesem Tag viele neue Freunde gewonnen und hatten Spaß daran, auch wenn wir unseren Titel in der Senior League nicht verteidigen konnten: "It has been a pleasure to be your host, guys!"
Unsere ganz herzlichen Glückwünsche gehen an die Sieger und Siegerinnen der Junior League von der Europäischen Schule Bertha-von-Suttner und die der Senior League vom John-Lennon-Gymnasium!
Informationen zum Format des Debattierens sowie den Vorbereitungskursen unserer Schule finden Sie/findet ihr auf den Seiten CPE/CAE und Debating in der Oberstufe und Kurzvorstellung AGs.
“Ich bin ein Berliner“ - Everyone knows J.F. Kennedy’s famous quote from the speech he gave in Berlin 1963. On December 9th 2014, we had the opportunity to visit Berlin’s own “The Kennedys” museum in order to take part in a workshop on speech analysis. Here, we looked closely at two speeches, one by J.F. Kennedy and the other by Ronald Reagan, that marked the beginning and end of the Berlin Wall. In groups and with different tasks we analysed parts of these speeches, as they are great examples of speechwriting, both having had a great effect on their audience. At the workshop we not only listened to the speeches and watched the speakers and their audiences, but also reflected on the history that marked Berlin for such a long time. Since we were not living witnesses of this period, the workshop helped us to relive shades of the past.
Our visit to the museum was connected to another workshop at the U.S. Embassy where we met the ambassador’s speechwriter, Ms. Rajczak, who talked about her typical day in the Embassy. She informed us about the difficulties of being a speechwriter and included us in her presentation by inviting us to ask questions as we went along. The greatest challenge about her job we were told was writing speeches for a person whom she doesn't even know. Although she receives basic information outlining the content of the speech, she mentioned that a large part of her work is doing research on her own.
We later gathered in the rotunda of the Embassy and took a photo in front of the Christmas tree, closing our time together and an informative afternoon.
(LK En/WY/2014)
Am Freitag, dem 1.11.2013, gastierte in unserer Schule das Ensemble des White Horse Theatre mit dem englischsprachigen Stück „Promised Land“ von Peter Griffith. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 9. und 10. Jahrgänge verfolgten das Bühnengeschehen aufmerksam und gespannt.
Aus der Homepage des White Horse Theatre:
"Ravi has crossed the world to find a new home, away from the horror and bloodshed of war-torn Syria. Acquiring asylum in Great Britain is difficult enough. But when Ravi is finally accepted as a
refugee, his problems really start. He and his mother are accommodated on a run-down estate on the outskirts of one of England’s big cities – an estate dominated by a racist gang…"
Die Geschichte von Ravi, dem Flüchtling aus Syrien, der von einer englischen Jugendgang rassistisch tyrannisiert wird, ist hochaktuell. Sehr eindringlich wurde von vier Schauspielerinnen und
Schauspielern dargestellt, wie Vorurteile und Fremdenhass funktionieren, wenn man sich weigert, die menschlichen Schicksale hinter der „Flüchtlingsproblematik“ wahrzunehmen. Am Ende ging die Story
auf der Bühne gut aus – man kann nur hoffen, dass dieser Optimismus wirklich realistisch ist.